Colour Mirrors
The South African Colour Mirrors system was founded by Melissie Jolly in 2001. ChriSOULa has been a certified practitioner and teacher of Colour Mirrors Practitioner Courses since 2014 as well as an experienced creator and facilitator of online courses and Colour Therapy Workshops for Conscious Parents in the UK and internationally.
Join the Facebook Page to ask questions and read how others experience this system of transformation. Several books including, Colourworks, Language of Light, Colourful Boardrooms, Colour Conversations, A Book of Platinum Light, Colour Mirrors Oracle Cards, Systems Everywhere: Colours and Numbers Connections and What The Seeker Found have been written about the system and its philosophies.
ChriSOULa’s award-winning book “The Book of Soulful Musings” is designed and illustrated in full colour and with the therapeutic elements of Colour energy and psychology in mind.
Message in a Bottle
Colour Mirrors is a system of colour which uses potent and powerful coloured oils and essences to help you understand your life, your patterns of behaviour and your relationships. Colour can bring clarity into every aspect of your life: relationships, jobs, careers, healing, health issues, energy blocks, gifts and potential, spiritual connection and personal growth.
Browse the colour bottles, either the dual coloured oils or the single colour spritzer essences and choose the one you feel mostly drawn to – then read the bottle’s message of hope and inspiration for when you feel stuck or in need of deeper insights into problems. To indulge in some self-help therapy, you can purchase your bottle. Contact ChriSOULa here.
The dual oil colours (purified water floating on oil) can be poured into a bath or rubbed on as a body lotion over a period of 3 weeks (21-day Colour Therapy). The spritzer bottles you spray around your body, or onto your hands, rub and release the layered aromas. Note: these bottles are energy products and inter-act with your magnetic force field – so do not be surprised if the colours change or the contents start bubbling to get your attention. You are welcome to contact ChriSOULa for a deeper explanation of what the bottle colours are trying to ‘message you’ with its antics!
“Each of the beautiful bottles in the Colour Mirrors range has its own meaning, its own ‘note’ or vibration. As you look at the colours, you will find some that will call you, drawing you in. Others will intrigue you and some you may not like at all! Because you are unique, your ‘mirrors’ will be different to those of anyone else and what they can reveal to you will also be unique. Each time you select a Colour Mirrors bottle it can show you clearly and with great precision who you are and where you are at, offering insight and guidance for your life. Your individual response to each bottle reveals issues, blocks, past life patterning and hidden aspects of your psyche. Colour mirrors to you your infinite beingness, your greatness and your beauty.” — Korani, Author of “The Language of Light”
The Colour Mirrors system consists of:
- 36 dual-coloured oils, including a range of planetary bottles, to en-lighten you on your path and support you as you travel
- 15 chakra bottles, including the ‘new’ higher vibrational colours to which our chakras are evolving
- 33 Gaia essences including new Gold, Platinum, Coral and Silver rays which connect us with the “New Earth”
- 38 colour essence bottles which provide instant support in any situation as reflections of our own higher guidance
How Does It Work? 
Colour is light and light is life. This system, with its many hues and frequencies of colour and energy, mirrors the many facets of you. Using it, you are assisted to shift old, outdated beliefs, patterns or habits which no longer serve you. The coloured oils and essences are effective in helping you make changes because they have a direct effect on your energy body, bypassing the conscious mind and assisting you to dissolve and release blocks and resistance you have been holding. All the bottles carry a unique healing vibration which interacts with your energy field. As you connect with, hold or bathe in the coloured oils and essences you allow their energy signature to interact with your own, bringing about subtle – and sometimes profound – changes.
How Do We Use Colour Mirrors?
Colour Mirrors oils have a powerful impact, whether used in meditation, on your body or in a healing bath. The luscious nurturing oils soak deep into the skin to reach your body at a cellular level, imparting their messages of love, inspiration and empowerment. Many people find that even holding the bottles is a rich experience. Colour Mirrors essences bring instant support, whether you spritz them around your body and aura, use some in a bath and soak in their loving energy, or use to enhance meditation. Spray into your hands and breathe in the beautiful scents to make your experience a multi-sensory one. The oils and essences are not just useful and supportive, however, they are also high frequency vibrational energy tools to support us in our shift to expanded levels of awareness and higher consciousness.
Book Your Colour and Numerology Vision Reading