Golden Keys To Prosperity
NEW – Chrisoula Sirigou’s Golden Keys To Prosperity
Set Your Spirit Free to Alchemise Your Life
A 21-day online video programme designed for all of you Life Explorers to inspire you to live your eternally expanding life in Prosperity and Joy launched on SourceTV.
On this experiential quest journeying back to the golden light, from incarnation into physical form to self realisation, every Golden Key, presented to you by ChriSOULa The Golden Muse, acts like a trigger, helping you to dive deeper into the fundamental questions “Who am I”? and “Why Am I here?”. As you walk into the wholeness and completion of pure gold seeking to experience life, yourselves, the Divine in all its forms, you come to know and understand who you are. You are the creator, joyfully manifesting at every step.
This online video documentary series is packed with
wisdom tips, range of processes, soothing meditations in colour, ancient healing techniques, inspirational books, exercises and insightful tools offered from The Golden Muse herself through the Golden Keys To Prosperity and in her inspiring and uplifting conversations with Prosperity IQ™ prosperity consciousness speakers, Hay House authors, health educators, coaches, evolutionaries and change makers that Chrisoula interviewed herself.
Here they are in an alphabetical order (and not in the exact order as presented in the online programme):
Chrisoula Sirigou – The Golden Muse, Colour Psychologist, Visionary Guide, Co-Author, Radio Broadcaster
Davina MacKail – Hay House Author of The Dream Whisperer, Shamanic seer and healer
Derek Mills – “The Standards Guy”, Hay House Author of The 10 Second Philosophy
Fiona Radman – Intuitive
Gill Barham – The Lifestyle Leader, Author of The Heart of a Woman
Julie Anne Hart – Spiritual Coach for Advanced Leadership
Maggie Kay – Founder of Thrivecraft, Author of Diving for Pearls
Marion Bevington – Find Your Why Foundation Co-Founder
Moira Bush – Colour Entrepreneur, Author of 8 Colours of Prosperity
Rachel Elnaugh – Evolutionary Entrepreneur, former BBCTV Dragons’ Den “Dragon”, Co-Founder of SourceTV
Richard Ashworth – Feng Shui Master
Sandra Marie Humby – Creator of Rose Alchemy
All of us share one core belief in our limitless potential and in the abundance of endless possibilities.
Each Golden Key smoothes, oils, eases the pathways to more awareness, heartfelt intention and manifestation of our heart’s desires.
Each Golden Key activates and illuminates our sub-conscious but easily, without drama, chaos or stress.
Each Golden Key offers transparency, an openness of heart that enables us to see who we are, who we are not, what we want and what we don’t want, engaging with our soul’s energy that carries us gently back to love.
Benefits to you:
- What does Prosperity look like?
- How can I connect with my Divinity and my inner Golden power and light?
- How can I connect with my Truth, my IAmness?
- How can I begin to live my I Amness?
- How can I connect with my Heart and Joy?
- How can Gold transmute whatever is mis-aligned within us and combines with the potency of our own light potential?
- What makes true Gold? What makes us authentic?
- How can I embrace both the power of the Divine Masculine (integrity, inspired action) and Divine Feminine (softness, gentleness, intuitive expansion)?
- How can I release and letting go of old, dense, limited vibrations, thoughts, beliefs and emotions in the process of remembering and embracing more of our inner golden light?
- What does it mean to be “consciously” generous with Self and others?
- What is Success?
- Breath – our greatest doorway to the gifts of I AM
Are you experiencing a gradual sense of dissatisfaction and disillusion? A newfound sense of remembrance – it can be both a gift and a challenge.
Are you responding to the call of your Soul who wants you to free yourself from limitation, separation and pain, from a limited or distorted version of who you thought yourself to be?
Are you beginning to experience more joy, freedom, exhilaration, passion, expansion and a feeling of knowing deep within yourself and you know there is more?
We are all in this together. Some a few steps ahead, some a little newer to the path of self alignment with the Source and our Soul purpose.
This programme is perfect for you when you are willing to say Yes! to any of the following possibilities:
- claim (more of) the Gold waiting to be mined
- move beyond old ways of living and being
- acknowledge and choose to get rid of addictions in the form of resentment, overwhelm, apparent victimhood incl. stories, dramas and experiences that no longer serve you as you reclaim yourself as a conscious creator
- see all your experiences as a mirror reflecting your golden worth
- practice the Art or The Law of Allowing responding to your soul’s quest to be the truth, to be the light in your relationships with your Self, family, community, work, Mother Earth and the miracle of Life
- Allow the true glorious colours of your beings to reveal themselves.
Prosperity is available to everyone. It is a choice at a soul level that every being is asked to make. Whatever choices you make will be perfect for your own evolution. The Prosperity journey is so rich and rewarding and it becomes a delight and a joy and a journey not to be missed.
We can have it all: Love, Money and Joy.
All is life. All is love. All is One.
Chrisoula Sirigou’s ‘Golden Keys to Prosperity’ – £21
Buy Now on SourceTV Using PayPal
What next!?
Activating The Prosperity Portals
9-Week Programme (Online and In-Person)
Your Investment: £235.00 per person.
Payment in Instalments is possible. £85.00 deposit followed 2 x monthly payments of £75.00 each.
*** Special price for repeat students *** email ChriSOULa directly
At some level, we all have experienced the feeling of not being enough or not having enough: what is embedded in our mass consciousness is the consciousness of Separation and Lack which affects in many ways our relationship and understanding of Money, which was given to us as a vehicle for Divine Energy to flow and to empower us for Prosperity and Creativity. The story of “Not Enough” has a power over us as it runs from the shadow-lands. In this 9-Week Divine Wealth Video-Class, ChriSOULa works with the Golden Keys to Ascension programme and brings in the Language of the Heart and the healing energy of Colour to clear away old beliefs around Money, deep-rooted in our cells. During this process, every week as we immerse deeper in Gold – the frequency of wealth – and the divine energy of seven other colours, we cleanse, open up and re-activate the Prosperity Portals. Each Golden Key comes with a “Harmonic” or energy transmission which is designed to facilitate your journey to ascended and prosperous living.
Testimonials & Impressions from participants:
“Thank you Chrisoula for each week you have connected us to the colours and frequency of the Golden Gaias…I really felt the expansion this week x”— Lucyna Bowen, Coventry
“I’ve just enjoyed my fourth week of online calls with Chrisoula, taking some “me time” to have some spiritual growth. It was all about Gold and ‘I am’. I joined the call just as Chrisoula had started the meditation, perfect timing! I was embraced by a golden angel and given guidance and focus. I shared that I had randomly felt one day, my higher chakra open and filled with light, a few days after our first call. I have found more balance and trying to take some time to myself, even if it’s just an hour :-) Thank you Chrisoula and new friends x” —Natasha Crompton, Intrinsic Therapies
This Super Bonus PACKAGE OFFER at £235.00pp includes:
- the 9-week online video programme incl. spiritual tools, guided colour meditations, affirmations, ancient techniques, colour bathing experience to release old energies, cleanse and activate your energy healing chakras and prosperity portals
- 7 x Colour Mirrors dual coloured bottles accompanying the Golden Keys to Prosperity online course (Standard retail price at £30.00 per bottle = £210.00)
- 1 x Mini Colour and Numerology Vision Reading with ChriSOULa (normally at £88.00)
BACS or International Payment is possible. Email Chrisoula directly to discuss further and to provide your Date of Birth and delivery address for your bottles to arrive in the post. *** P&P Postage will vary according to location/distance. ***

The 7 Golden Keys To Prosperity
The “Golden Keys” are Earth energies – Gaia energies
Colour Mirrors has a powerful range of Gaia bottles – starting with Copper and moving into the higher frequency light of Gold, Platinum, Coral and Silver, mirroring the Earth’s transition into a higher dimensional frequency. These bottles of gold and colour form a Divine, high-vibration set to guide and assist us on a fast-track journey to that which we call Ascension; the return path to love and the Divine light within all of us, and a very new way of being on the Earth – the golden Earth. Each of the seven bottles represents a step on the golden pathway to living in your authentic power and joy right here on Earth. Together they present us with seven Golden Keys to Ascension.
Each Key is a a potent reminder of who we are, each bottle a tangible presence to help us remember the truth of our divinity.
The Golden Keys are tools
They help re-empower us, bringing us into alignment with our own highest truth and light so that we can live that light in our everyday lives. They guide us toward finding our own truth and learning to live from that truth. As we journey deeper into the heart of the Golden Keys – and ourselves – we are shown practical and inspiring ways of living life on the New Earth. Sit and take in what you are seeing for a moment…..allow the golden light from the image above to connect with you. What you see here is a potent Ascension power pack to assist us in the shift into the golden era on Earth. Let the energy of these Golden Gaia bottles resonate and reverberate in your being. Notice where your eyes are drawn to, which colours call you…
Seven Golden Keys
In the seven Golden Gaia oils we meet a template of colour. Gold, of course, is the under – or in some cases over – lying theme. But added to the gold of the seven Golden Gaia Keys we also have an array of shades: Turquoise, Blue-Lilac, Coral, Gold, Pink, White and Magenta. Each is on a particular place on the journey of self-awareness and awakening and in a very particular order. We will discover the joys of this Divine colour as we travel, but for now, here is a glimpse of what they have to offer:
The first key steps us into brilliant, beautiful turquoise, the colour that is intimately connected with the concepts of faith and trust. Without it there would be no golden journey. The belief is the thing that moves us onto the path in the first place.
The second key, Impeccability, takes us into the cool realms of blue-lilac where we begin to recognise the power of our word and our responsibility as co-creators of our lives.
As we emerge from the immersion of the second Key into the warm Coral tones of third, Generosity, we begin to accept ourselves, becoming generous with who we are and opening to the beneficent light of the universe. The possibilities of gloriousness begin to stir in our bodies and we open to the resonant notes of joy.
In the fourth Key we step into pure gold and claim “I AM”. I am divine, I am love, I am whole, I am that I am. We claim our Divine selves, remember our authenticity, re-engage with our light and begin to live as our divinity.
From the fifth Key, the soft pink of Grace, we travel lighter and lighter, softer and gentler, opening our eyes, hearts and minds only to love.
The sixth Key lifts us into the white, clarifying, purifying Ascension Light so that we might know ourselves as this light and in the process, release what is heavy or dark within us.
Finally as we dive headlong into the seventh Key we discover magenta and all the possibilities of Divine love, Divine being, Divine living. This is the transformative, awakening power of Satori.
which are also the names of the seven Golden Gaia oils (G9-G15) from Colour Mirrors which link closely with the Golden Keys we explore in the book.
How do we use these delicious Golden Oils as part of the 9-Week Divine Wealth Programme?
We can sit with them, hold them, delight in their light, dive into their beauty, enjoy their subtle energies and if we want to fully, utterly experience all that they can offer, we will let their messages flow deeply into our marrow. We will steep ourselves in the healing balm of water, we will bathe in these heavenly sensual oils. Water acts as an energy conductor, carrying their divine and potent messages to our cells, bypassing the contradictions of the mind and going straight to the ever-listening heart. If you would like to experience the full delight of the Golden Keys, the 9-Week course, combines online and in-person classes, and is designed to facilitate and support your journey to Ascension Living. It is offered by Chrisoula, The Golden Muse, colour psychologist, certified teacher of the Colour Mirrors Energy System and Heart Intelligent (Heart IQ™) Relationships Coach
Ascension Living Programme Packs
It covers attendance and full access to the 9-week course incl. the accompanied Videocasts, PDF course handouts, colour meditations, access to a secret Facebook group for ongoing support.
Email to ask for more details and make your advanced payment by BACS. Payment by instalments is possible.
The 7 x Angel Essences/SPRITZERS that accompany the course. Find out more here:
- Gold Angel of Ascension
- Blue Angel of Protection
- Pink Angel of Love and Partnership
- Coral Angel of Manifestation and Magic
- Lilac Angel of Prayer and Forgiveness
- Clear Angel of Purity, Grace and Clarity and
- Archangel Metatron (Deep Magenta).
Highly Recommended Books
The Language of Light
The Language of Light: Golden Keys to Ascension, as described by Korani, the author of the book … is a template, a blueprint for living your light right here on the planet. It contains energetic passwords to a life of joy and inspiration – if you’re willing to discover them and live them. It is a path to inspiration, joy, compassion and most of all, ease.
It is a transmission of Divine energy carried to you on the frequency of love. This book will guide and assist you in remembering the Language of Light, the long-forgotten language of your soul and will reconnect you with its message, that you are Divine, whole and perfect – and have always been so.
In addition you will be introduced to seven Golden Keys, potentised golden oils infused with light, which align perfectly with the energy transmissions of the book.
Together, the Language of Light and the seven Golden Keys form an Ascension “power pack”. Take a journey to authenticity, freedom and light; to wholeness, oneness and joy. Welcome to the ride of your life!
The Language of Light and the Golden Keys are powerful tools to:
•heighten your perception of the divinity and creative force within all life
•open your awareness to a greater, higher, more expansive perspective of yourself and all that is
•unlock knowledge and wisdom that has been lying dormant within you
•offer you practical and energetic support in raising your vibrational frequency
•recalibrate your energy fields to hold more light
•assist you in finding your unique expression in the world
•facilitate paradigm shifts in your thinking and awareness
•bring you into greater alignment with your own Divine truth
•offer you golden threads from which to weave the unique tapestry of your own Ascension journey
Cost: £16.99 + p&p
Purchase your copy online or directly from Chrisoula.
If you wish to add these Golden oils to the process of transformation offered by the book, you can purchase these bottles through Chrisoula.