The latest research has shown that our gut is not only responsible for our immunity, but also for our mental health, disease prevention and longevity.

How many of us can honestly say we have never experienced any kind of digestive issues? Virtually none. In fact, even if you are one of those lucky few, we all connect with the feeling of butterflies in the stomach and that nauseous-nervous feeling. Phrases such as “go with your gut”, “a gut feeling”, are common everyday expressions and, as we’re increasingly learning, are based on more than instinct – this is now the stuff of fact.

On The Health and Healing Radio Shows that I host on RedShift Radio, I have been told by a number of health educators and gut experts that in the UK, chronic digestive issues are by far the most common physical complaints. Symptoms frequently involve bloating, constipation, urgency and pain that many people will have been experiencing for years and years without any alleviation or discernible cause. But where does that leave someone who feels ongoing pain, distress or sheer confusion? Where do they get the answers they need? Well, the answer is very likely located within one’s own gut – and, more specifically, the immense and complex microbial population that resides in the digestive system, which has become the focus of the latest pioneering research.

Gut health is not new, though. Greek physician Hippocrates recognised this over 2,000 years ago when he declared: “All disease begins in the gut.”

Hippocrates All-Disease-begins-in-the-gut.

Given that modern-day lifestyle include lots of factors that may compromise the gut, we can begin to realise why a struggling digestive system is such a broad-reaching problem. Variables such as refined and processed foods, excess sugar, lack of sleep, medication and stress all take their toll on how this functions. How many of those are you ticking? Quite a few I would imagine.


Let’s just put this into perspective:  your gut flora (or to put it more accurately, gut micro biome) consists of hundreds of trillions of micro-organisms from anywhere between 400-500 species, and for every human cell you have around 10 bacteria. In the gut alone that covers roughly the surface area of a tennis court! That’s why the title of Alanna Collen’s seminal book on health, 10% Human, is so fitting and why, in her words, we all need to “cherish our personal colony of microbes”.

Did You Know …?

  • The gastrointestinal system is being intrinsically linked with the nervous system and therefore it is considered one of the fundamental reasons for the alarming rise of chronic diseases such as obesity, allergies, arthritis, diabetes and depression
  • helps in maintaining weight, mood and reproductive processes as hormones such as oestrogen, testosterone, thyroxine and those regulating appetite are conjugates and converted in the gut.
  • gut health is so important is because it is essentially your immune system with 70% of your immune tissue being located within your digestive system, says Sue Ritchie, author of the book “Love Your Gut. The Practical Guide to Sustainable Weight Loss from the Inside out”, explaining in a practical and clear way the surprising connection between Gut Health and Weight Loss.



  • 95% of our serotonin, which is nicknamed the “happy hormone”, because it relates to a positive state of mind, is created in the gut. 
  • billions of neurons and all kinds of chemical messengers are very similar to those found in the brain. This is why our stomach is being dubbed as the “second brain”, which gives “food for thought” a whole new meaning.


Recently I decided to listen to my body and booked to have a Colonic Hydrotherapy with the wonderful Helen O’Brien of Complete Health Cinic and what a wise decision it was. The whole experience was pain free and thoroughly liberating. A few areas that I was aware of but reminded of how to help maintain a healthy gut is to take out variables that can have a negative influence:

less of white, fried and dyed foods

be mindful of alcohol consumption (mmm this is tricky) as it feeds the bacteria that you don’t want over-proliferating

chewing thoroughly and eating mindfully

have a plate packed with colourful, nutrient dense, fibre-rich vegetables is critical and good hydration is key in contributing to keep these beneficial bacteria well-nourished and able to perform all of their vital processes.

As science writer Jon Turney says, “We are not just organisms, but super organisms – amazing feats of biological balance that carry a secret cargo.” What will that mean for you? Only your gut knows and you’d be fool to ignore its instinct.

You can reach out and find out more about the importance of gut health from the following health professionals that I had the pleasure to interview on my radio shows broadcasting LIVE every Thursday 2pm to 4pm UK time:

Isabel Natrins and Kirsty Da Silva of System Reset, Heal With Food

Gill Barham, The Lifestyle Leader, Functional Nutrition Coach

Sue Ritchie, Your Ecstatic Health Coach, Author of Love Your Gut

You can also Listen to Health and Healing show audiocasts of their interviews with Chrisoula Sirigou, The Golden Muse, available on Soundcloud.

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. — Jim Rohn

If the information in this article was enough to trigger your curiosity to learn more, well, you are going to be spoilt with an abundance of tips and valuable insights from the health educators, authors and coaches I have selected to be part in the NEW LIVE ONLINE CALLS starting this February. For more information, visit or Email:

Vibrant and Colourful Wishes

ChriSOULa — The Golden Muse.

Radio Broadcaster, Creative Educator, Colour Psychologist and Visionary Guide.



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