Love and Success Bootcamp Retreat

Love and Success Bootcamp Retreat

A colourful journey with your visionary guide ChriSOULa Sirigou, The Golden Muse


Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 March 2018, 10.00am to 4pm

The Sanctuary of Colour, Barthomley, Crewe, Cheshire, England



wild womens sanctuary

This Bootcamp Event is like nothing you have ever attended before.

Are you ready to shift yourself from what is blocking you? You will be astounded to learn what the real underlying reasons are for keeping you from maximising your potential in business and relationships.

Chrisoula with more bottles backgroundChriSOULa with her colourful tools will help you ‘boot out’ beliefs and patterns that hold you back and place you firmly on a road towards prosperity: love, creativity and joy.

ChriSOULa is the author of ’8 Golden Keys To Prosperity’ and teaches the language and psychology of Colour in the UK and online worldwide and is a specialist mentor in the field of colour analysis, emotional wellbeing and heart intelligence. ChriSOULa has been involved in radio broadcasting since 2010 and is the hostess of her LIVE weekly show “The Health and Healing” on RedShift Radio

“Every single person that attends her workshops has a breakthrough. She is fearless about pushing your buttons to ensure that your awareness is raised higher so you can live a fulfilled and prosperous life.”

  • In the Love and Success Bootcamp Retreat, you will choose your colours, the colours that identify your issues and the colours that will propel you towards success connecting you with your inner golden worth and wealth.
  • You will participate in colour exercises that will bring to the surface from your deeply buried unconscious mind your beliefs and patterns that have created chaos with your love and money.
  • Once you are aware of them, they lose the power to disrupt your life and you are free to explore success in your business and personal life.
  • Guided Meditations in Colour, deep visualisations and healing practices will be part of the bootcamp experience.



We have very limited seating so please register today by email to to reserve your seat.

✓Lunch: Bring packed lunch

✓Refreshments: Tea/Coffee and healthy snacks provided

what colour are you?