
Rainbow Letters to Mother Earth Writing Competition

National Share A Story Month 2020:

“RAINBOW Letters to Mother Earth”

Writing Competition

In honour of National Share-A-Story Month (NSSM), an annual celebration of the power of storytelling and story sharing, we’re providing a fantastic opportunity to fulfil one of the core aims of the WHOLISTIC Love Enrichment Programme (WLEP) of enriching children’s and young people’s lives by bringing them and their stories together. It is our full intention to empower young LIFE explorers to explore their emotions and express their unique voice and positive responses for inspired action – for the future of all living beings and for the future of the WHOLE Planet.

rainbow cover different font

The Planet we Share

The theme for 2020 “The Planet We Share” is very wide and can include stories about the peoples, the animals and also the state of our planet as well as anyone or anything we share this planet with. We are excited to offer a writing competition for the selection of 100 winners to include their stories, in the form of letters if they wish, in the illustrated book “Rainbow Letters to Mother Earth: 100 Inspiring Stories in response to a Planet in Crisis”. Competition will close at noon on Tuesday 30th June 2020. ALL submitted entries of our competition will be celebrated on our website, at a dedicated blog page, and in our newsletters. A selection of these entries will also be published either in the Positive Kids Magazine or on their Facebook page.

ChriSOULa says “It’s very important to us to be inclusive and recognise every single entry participating in our writing competition. For this reason, all participants’ names and countries will be acknowledged in a dedicated section (with their permission) in the Rainbow Letters To Mother Earth book.”

There will also be interesting blogs from national and international authors along with illustrators and other lovers of books on the website during May and June – check them out!

Call for Entries

Rainbow Letters to Mother Earth Competition Rules

  • Entries are welcome from pupils and students aged 5 to 21 years
  • Entries may be prose or poetry in the form of a letter (optional), of no more than a maximum length of 500 words
  • Entries must be submitted via electronic means – email, in an easily readable format e.g. Word, PDF, electronic scan or picture (if forwarding an illustration) or Pages.
  • Entries must reflect the theme of our planet, Mother Earth, as our home, and our connection with natural phenomena, the elements, the cosmos and the underlying messages of Hope, Togetherness, Compassion in Action and Kindness in some form – e.g. the writer’s home or an imaginary home of a different person or living creature.
  • Entries are at £20.00 (GBP) standard rate per individual story to cover admin costs and payment can be made electronically by PayPal. UK based entries can make a BACS payment. Please get in touch by email here: chrisoula@wholisticlove.org.uk to receive payment details and more guidance and support in the story writing process.
  • Entries must be submitted by the closing date of 12 noon on 30th June 2020 to chrisoula@wholisticlove.org.uk
  • Entries will be chosen by Positive Publicity editing team in collaboration with WLEP and the final 100 winners to become co-authors in the book Rainbow Letters to Mother Earth. The decision will be final.

Please get in touch by email here: chrisoula@wholisticlove.org.uk to receive BACS payment details (for UK entries only) and more support for you and your child/young person in the story writing process including RAINBOW Mind Maps!

RAINBOW Letters to Mother Earth Packages

In addition to the standard entry of £20.00 (GBP), we’d like to offer you the choice of some amazing package offers to enhance your experience and connection with the RAINBOW Colours. More information is coming soon!

WHOLISTIC Love Enrichment Webinars in support of our writing competition

Once your payment is received to confirm your entry and participation in the writing competition, the parent/carer or sponsor will be receiving an email invitation to join for free a series of WHOLISTIC Love Enrichment Webinar presentations, during the months of May and June 2020.

You will have the chance to receive further guidance and ask questions directly to ChriSOULa and her team.

We look forward to many of you joining in and sharing your Rainbow Letters to Mother Earth.

Good Luck to all entrants!

ChriSOULa Sirigou

Founder of WHOLISTIC Love Enrichment Programme

ChriSOULa smiling with book

As the founder and director of WHOLISTIC Love Enrichment Programme, award-winning author, colour psychologist, broadcaster and teacher of languages with almost 30 years in education, ChriSOULa’s life’s purpose has been to inspire children and young people and show them they could achieve amazing things (like becoming an author) just by being passionate and believing in their own voice, their unique colours and the beauty of their dreams.

It is ChriSOULa’s heartfelt intention to inspire children to express themselves from their hearts; to be courageous, creative and compassionate. She loves to see children’s skills and dreams being supported and nurtured and for them to realise that they can achieve anything!

Her first book The Book of Soulful Musings: Inspiring Conversations to Live LIFE with Love Intention Flow Ease (Golden Muse Publishing, Nov 2018) has reached hundreds of readers so far in many countries in Europe, USA, Canada and South Africa.

“There is no feeling in the world like seeing your words in a book – never mind actually receiving a GOLD award for it!” says ChriSOULa. This is why ChriSOULa would love to share the opportunity for your child to contribute to her next group anthology book and become a published author in 2020!

This year, in support of National-Share-A-Story Month, her new illustrated book project “Rainbow Letters to Mother Earth: 100 Inspiring Stories in Response to a Planet in Crisis” combines her passion for books with her love for children, their mental health and emotional wellbeing and what legacy we, the adults, leave behind to them.

Let’s allow children to explore positive emotions.

Let’s allow adults to see LIFE on Mother Earth through children’s eyes.

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us: chrisoula@wholisticlove.org.uk

If you haven’t already connected with me, you are welcome to do so. Click here to connect with ChriSOULa.

Here is an extract from a song that ChriSOULa chose to play on her radio show many, many times …

“I believe that children are our future

Teach them well and let them lead the way

Show them all the beauty they possess inside

Give them a sense of pride, to make it easier

Let the children’s laughter remind us how we use to be”

– The Greatest Love of All

Songwriters: Linda Creed, Michael Masser © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC


As a participating school or college, you could win an amazing author event for your school or college!

Win a fantastic visit for your school/college from author ChriSOULa Sirigou, author of her first award-winning, illustrated anthology The Book of Soulful Musings: Living LIFE with Love, Intention, Flow, Ease, published by Golden Muse Publishing, who will also be in charge of publishing the illustrated book, Rainbow Letters to Mother Earth: 100 Inspiring Stories in response to a Planet in Crisis.

ChriSOULa will visit 20 schools/colleges in the new academic year (Sept 2020 – June 2021) at a date and time which is mutually convenient to both the schools/colleges and to ChriSOULa.  She will travel by train to the school so transfer to and from your local rail station must be provided by the winning schools. Full competition terms and conditions will be available very soon.